Bike fitting is a way to help you enjoy cycling without sacrificing posture or ergonomics. This entails specifically adjusting your bike to you to help you be more comfortable and maximize your performance.

Whether you’re taking leisurely rides down the road, or you’re an experienced cyclist training for a race, a properly fitted bicycle helps you to avoid issues like knee and back injuries. These issues are more likely to happen when you don’t have a bike that’s fit specifically to you and your body.

A properly fitted bike takes your body mechanics into consideration when the coach is adjusting the bike to you. This allows for certain parts of the bike to fit your height and the way you ride. This cuts down on wear and tear on your body from improper or less-than-efficient movements.

Who will do it?
This is a personalized session conducted by Coach Chaitanya himself, who has done his certification & training in this specialization from Australia, and has 10+ years of experience doing bike-fits.
should i consider a bike fit?
Focus :

PowerPeaks the Athlete Lab is the brainchild of Chaitanya Velhal, a Scientist, Professional Athlete and Ultra endurance sports coach with more 15 years of experience in the field. PowerPeaks was created with an aim to Provide international level Professional training to India using Scientific techniques and methodologies.

Working hours

Monday – Friday :
10:00 – 19:00

Saturday :
12:00 – 19:00

Sunday Closed

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